Fraser & Ellis Ltd celebrated its centenary in true traditional style

Fraser & Ellis Ltd celebrated its centenary in true traditional style

 Wednesday 15th May saw the community of South London unite to celebrate Fraser & Ellis Ltd (a South London-based plumbers’ merchant), with an open day to mark the outstanding milestone of 100 years in business.

Since 1919, Fraser & Ellis Ltd, has excelled in meeting the needs of plumbers and builders across London and its surrounding counties. It all began with two companions who chose to enlist together, fighting alongside each other through the carnage that was The Somme . With the truce, they decided to stick together and formed a business partnership and the rest (as they say) is history!

100 years later, Fraser & Ellis Ltd is a member of The IPG; the largest and fastest growing membership group helping independent plumbing, heating, and bathroom specialists. The IPG is fiercely passionate about championing British independent retailers, like Fraser & Ellis Ltd, and is committed to helping valued members and suppliers to compete effectively and efficiently in today’s market.

Nike Lovell, Head of Marketing at The IPG, said: “It’s great to see an independent merchant celebrating such a big milestone, particularly in today’s marketplace, where it can be tough for local businesses – this is a real success story!’

The open day itself commenced with an early rise and bacon butties, followed by giveaways, raffle, competitions, full BBQ and beverages. The crowd were stunned with an old-fashioned surprise, with horses & dray, wrapped in Fraser & Ellis signage which was paraded across South London, making a stop outside the business’ old premises in Old Church Street, Chelsea, which it occupied for over 70 years!

Other exhibits included an eclectic mix of company memorabilia from the last century of trading, including the very first set of accounts from 1920, a range of catalogues and price lists from over the decades, and the original copper printing plates from one catalogue. The exhibit also showcased some promotional sweatshirts from over the years, and even the original Company seal, complete with two padlocks; one for each director!

The collaboration of all attendees and their efforts was a true reflection of the respect the Fraser & Ellis family have earned for leading a company so admirably. Food was donated by customers, products were gifted from suppliers, and family members were sharing stories of their heritage.

Grandson of Founder, now Managing Director of Fraser & Ellis, Paul Fraser, said: “My Father (aged 87), as well as many of the Fraser family, also joined in with the celebrations together with our customers, it was a great day and even better weather.”


The day came to a close, but ongoing success is due to continue for Fraser & Ellis Ltd.



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