New Online Training Courses from Salamander Pumps

New Online Training Courses from Salamander Pumps

Salamander Pumps has launched an innovative new online learning tool, ‘eSchool’ for merchants, featuring a host of helpful training modules, involving games, interactive imagery and animated technical videos.

Developed in conjunction with CIPHE (Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering), the training courses can be accessed here, featuring modules that educate in Gravity Fed Systems and Solutions, boosting mains water and the Salamander product range including new EVE and HomeBoost.

Ken Vance, Training Manager at Salamander Pumps, commented, “At Salamander, we regularly host training courses at colleges up and down the country, but we’re increasingly being asked about the other training courses we provide, which is why we’ve created the Salamander eSchool.

The eSchool will help merchants learn more about Salamander’s products, their applications and best practice for installing their range of shower and whole house pumps.

The training modules feature a range of interactive activities, from technical animated videos, games, interactive imagery and multiple-choice tests. Participants will need to achieve a score of at least 80% to pass but may have as many attempts as they like, with their highest score being recorded.

“We want to provide easy access to training for our customers, by providing detailed product information and helping to build confidence in product selection, and we strongly believe these new modules will be hugely beneficial and popular with merchants.” Vance concluded.



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