A Virtual Conference held by heat pump supplier LG highlighted the strange fact that heat pumps – in particular air to water heat pumps – are still lagging behind fossil fuelled heating systems across Europe.
One of the reasons for this could be love affair this country in particular still has, with oil and gas boilers over heat pumps which use tried and tested, proven technology, ready to attack the decarbonisation of the heating sector. With heating responsible for around 50% of the energy used in Europe, it makes huge sense to utilise technology that is ready and waiting to drive carbon levels down. Technology that is proven and used in countries with far more challenging climates than the UK – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Canada.
The European Heat Pump Association’s (EHPA) Secretary General, Thomas Nowak talked about the innovation behind today’s air to water heat pump technology.
“We’ve always found Thomas’s views to be thought provoking and meaningful in this sector,” says LG’s Head of Heating in the UK and Ireland, Andrew Hooper. “It is well worth sitting back and listening to ten minutes of thought provoking, common sense from one of the leaders in the sector. It’s time that the decision makers began making decisions that will give us all a chance of meeting the decarbonisation targets set in the UK and Europe – without heat pump technology we won’t have a hope of hitting them.”