Record sales in Q2 for Builders’ Merchants

Record sales in Q2 for Builders’ Merchants

Record breaking value sales in June helped Britain’s Builders’ Merchants hit their best ever quarter since the BMBI began in July 2014, with Q2 total value sales up 24.1% on Q1 2021 on two less trading days. Ten out of the 12 product categories sold more over the period.
June’s record-breaking sales also reflected strongly in builders’ merchants’ Q2 2021 performance compared to Q2 2019 (+20.3%) – a more normal pre-Covid year. Landscaping (+48.3%) and Timber & Joinery Products (+41.3%) were especially strong. Heavy Building Materials (+11.8%), Ironmongery (+7.9%) and Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (+3.2%) grew more slowly.

The latest Monthly Construction Update from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy includes BMBI as one its sources. Download a copy of the update here.



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